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Outreach in the Park

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Jul, 2019 05:08 PM

This summer many of our churches will be combining their efforts with those in their communities at local events creating great outreach opportunities. And the White Horse Benefice in Wiltshire is among them.

Westbury Town Council and Selwood Housing invited the parishes to be part of their Community Fun Day in Penleigh Park, which is in one of the more deprived areas of Westbury and the Benefice was delighted to engage in this outreach opportunity.

The Revd Melanie Otto, Assistant Curate in the White Horse Benefice, was there:

"Collaboration is a buzzword of our time, and when it works well, it is such a blessing to all involved.

"Our Church Outreach Team offered free refreshments and a clothes stall with items donated by members of the parish.

"There was a host of other activities including skateboarding, a bouncy castle and dodgeball, and a professional poet called Spoz from Birmingham, who encouraged local children to write their own chocolate rap!

"There was a wonderful atmosphere in the park throughout the day as families gathered around to picnic in the glorious sunshine, and to have fun with their neighbours.

"And we enjoyed ourselves too as we poured cups of tea and had interesting conversations with those who would not normally come to church. Jesus was always out and about, amongst the people, caring for those who were often forgotten and neglected.

"Perhaps in some small way, the community event in Penleigh Park will help those who live there to know that they are neither forgotten or neglected, but instead valued and cared for by the wider community and by God."

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