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Our Summer of Hope

by Michael Ford last modified 04 Sep, 2021 12:02 AM

Our tireless Mothers' Union members have been busy over the summer. Diocesan President Rosie Stiven tells us more.

Our Summer of Hope

Presentation to June Watt and RoseMary Robinson

Rosie writes:

How wonderful it was to see our members – albeit virtually, gather together for our Special Service on Monday 9 August to celebrate Mary Summer Day. Of course, this year marked the centenary of Mary’s death as well as the 145th Anniversary of The Mothers’ Union. Our MU Chaplain, Revd Jo Naish, had prepared a really beautiful Service for the day – a fitting tribute for our wonderful foundress. Thank you, Jo.

In addition, we had some very special Anniversaries of our own to highlight during the Service. Three of our members had each recently celebrated 60 years of membership of the Mothers’ Union. They are RoseMary Robinson, June Watt and Jan Seaman, and the photographs show them receiving their Diocesan and Provincial Certificates earlier in July. Many congratulations to RoseMary, June and Jan for their faithful devotion and service to the Mothers’ Union.

Our Summer of Hope- Jan Seaman 60 years MU membership July 2021
Jan Seaman, 60 years MU membership, July 2021

At the beginning of the summer, our central charity based at Mary Sumner House had launched the Summer of Hope Appeal. The aim of the Appeal was to raise financial support for our world-wide projects, primarily those devoted to empowering women – growing their leadership skills in order for them to be confident enough to take control of their lives.

I would like to thank all our members for their generosity in supporting this campaign. I have seen the cheques coming into MU Office – the results of your coffee mornings and garden parties, which you have held this summer. Thank you so much for your kindness and thoughtfulness.

Not content with just giving to our global projects, you have also generously supported our own Diocesan fund-raiser – ‘Go The Extra Mile’. So far, between the donations shown on our Just Giving website, together with the ones coming direct to MU Office, over £2,000 has been raised. That’s really amazing and thank you so much. As you will recall, our target is £2,500 – so please keep those donations coming in.

I have seen Revd Jo’s punishing itinerary for her bicycle ride to Iona – I think she will deserve an Olympic Gold Medal for her effort when this is finished! For my part, I managed to reach my 700 mile goal at the end of August – so I am still on track for the 1,000 miles by the end of the year.

In the spirit of Mary Sumner, the summer of 2021 has certainly been A Summer of Hope. Your support and generosity for our wonderful organisation and all that we do, is both encouraging and inspiring. A HUGE THANK YOU to all our members, with my thanks, love and prayers.

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Rosie Stiven writes: "With my hopes and prayers for the future, I bring you the news you have been waiting for. I know that you will join with me in congratulating our new Diocesan President – MRS SANDRA GAMBLE.

"I am aware that many of you already know Sandra, who has been a very hard working trustee for a number of years. Sandra will be taking over from me on 1st January 2022 and she will be supported by an extremely strong and dedicated team of trustees and officers. With Sandra, the Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Salisbury is in very safe and secure hands.

"My sincere congratulations to Sandra and the Board of Trustees. May the Lord guide, strengthen, inspire and be with them for the next triennium."

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