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Home News Our Advent Calendar of stories is coming back!

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Our Advent Calendar of stories is coming back!

by Michael Ford last modified 07 Jan, 2020 01:31 PM

By popular demand we are creating another Renewing Hope Advent Calendar, with a good news story from our Diocese for every day in the countdown to Christmas this year.

Our Advent Calendar of stories is coming back!

Original photo by Richard Hancock

The stories will again feature on our website and Facebook page, and will be emailed out to those who receive our weekly Grapevine and others who would just like to subscribe for the season.

But we need your help to populate our Advent Calendar with those stories.

We are looking for 24 stories that connect and ground us all to our Diocese and 'Pray, Serve, Grow'.

Your story should have a Christmas or Advent slant, and can be about a person, or an Advent or Christmas event or activity, or both.

Maybe someone reflecting on preparing for Christmas in their life or their church, maybe an event that churches or outreach groups are holding this Advent and Christmas.

We are happy to have stories about Christmas dinners for the homeless or lonely, a Christmas tree festival or a Nativity with a difference.

Maybe you just want to highlight a community event or a particular Carol service that inspires.

We want to feature people and places from across our Diocese, so it would be great if we could have some outreach stories and an Eco Church story in the mix.

No story is too small for us - please send them in!

Details on what should be in your story and the deadlines for them can be found here.

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