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Open the Book gets on the float

by Michael Ford last modified 27 Nov, 2019 04:43 PM

In the year that Open the Book celebrates 20 years of sharing Bible stories with primary school assemblies, our Diocese has been celebrating with them.

Our Open the Book team in Pewsey Vale, in Wiltshire has been going into schools to tell Bible stories for over 11 years.

Gill de Berry takes up the story:

"My husband and I joined the team some 10 years ago. The team makes weekly visits to primary schools in Pewsey, Woodborough, Oare and Rushall. The children always help us act out the stories and it's great to see the others listening and watching so attentively; it's a real blessing to know that a new generation is growing up to be familiar with the Bible and its relevance to today's world."

So this year, to really celebrate the team decided to take Open the Book to a wider audience and enter a float in the local Carnival:

"Pewsey Carnival prides itself in being the oldest carnival in Wiltshire! Although there is a Carnival service at the beginning and end of the Carnival fortnight, the church hasn't entered a float in the procession for many years. It was felt that as Open the Book was celebrating its 20th birthday nationally we could build our float to recognise this.

"We decided to use the story of Joseph for the theme of our float. This lends itself to such an occasion with the songs from the musical, lots of multicolour and the fact that many people recognise the story."

Gill's reminiscences come as she attends an Open the Book training day at our Diocesan Education Centre this week.

Open the Book gives primary school children the opportunity to hear Bible stories from a team of Christians from local churches who present the stories during assemblies and acts of Collective Worship. Each presentation takes around 10-15 minutes and can be incorporated into a wider assembly or can stand alone. It is a 3-year rolling programme, with an additional but optional year of materials based on Christian values for schools.

For more information go to

If your Church and School celebrated with Open the Book this year, let us know as we would love to feature your work in Grapevine.

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