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Open letter to Pensions Board

by ajack last modified 01 Dec, 2021 04:10 PM

Has COP26, the IPCC report, and the Chatham House report taught us nothing? Prominent learnings from all showed us that there was a need to halt all further oilfield exploration for there to be a rapid decarbonisation of our economy.

Despite this, Shell and Siccar Point Energy plan to extract 170 million barrels of oil from the Cambo field, the emissions from this alone would be equivalent to the annual carbon pollution from 18 coal-fired power stations. 

Every single one of us has a part to play, and need to call out others on their destruction actions. And that’s exactly what a number of stipendiary clergy have done. They have written an open letter to the Pensions Board to request they not invest in Shell's expansion of the Cambo Oil Field off the West Coast of Scotland.  

Revd Br Alasdair Kay, Rector of Wyke Regis said: 

“I sincerely hope and wish that my Pension is used in the least possibly damaging way to our planet.” 

The letter has already been signed by two bishops (Rt Revd Dr David Atkinson and Rt Revd Michael Doe) and a growing number of clergy. But as many people as possible are needed to help make a difference. 

Revd Alasdair said further: 

"As a member of the stipendiary clergy in our Diocese and a member of the Clergy Pension Scheme I am endorsing the letter from Operation Noah to both the Guardian and the Church Times calling upon the Church Of England’s Pensions Board to not invest in Shell's expansion of the Cambo Oil Field off the West Coast of Scotland. 

COP26, The IPCC report and the Chatham House report showed us that there was a need to halt all further oilfield exploration and in fact for there to be a rapid decarbonisation of our economy. COP26 has left us all heading towards 2.4 degrees of Global Warming a catastrophic trajectory that must be avoided now.  

We cannot as Anglicans be Eco Churches and then send a portion of “share” off to be invested in Fossil Fuels…. It’s called Greenwash or worse Hypocrisy." 

The open letter and current signatories can be found here 

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