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Home News Online Faculties and an Apology for the DAC delays

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Online Faculties and an Apology for the DAC delays

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Oct, 2019 01:27 PM

A new online Faculty System designed with simplification in mind has been launched.

The DAC, along with our Diocesan Secretary David Pain has also issued an apology to those parishes in the system for the unacceptable delays.

Anyone attempting to apply for a faculty will be well aware that at present the DAC has a long waiting list and there is a backlog of applications in the system.

David said:

"I can understand your frustrations and we can only sincerely apologise that this situation has arisen. We are dealing with the backlog as quickly as we can and we do ask for your patience while it is being cleared.

"Going forward we are putting place new ways of working and additional capacity to make sure this doesn't happen again."

Our new DAC Chair, the Revd Richard Curtis has a wealth of experience using the online system, which is a web-based planning portal similar to that used by Local Authority planning departments.

Richard said:

"The new system allows parishes, DACs, registrars, chancellors, archdeacons and consultees to access information on proposals quickly and efficiently, and makes sure that applications run smoothly from start to finish.

"My experience, along with that of other DACs across the country who have adopted this national system, is that it will speed up the process and keep parishes more informed."

Parishes will not only be able to apply for a faculty online, but also develop proposals for new works in their church building and churchyard; obtain advice from the DAC, record List A items and apply for List B works.

Click here for details of the online system.

As well as launching the new online system, Sarah Baines, the new DAC Secretary is looking at ways to streamline the system further and you can read more about that in next week’s 'Grapevine'.

The present backlog has been caused by a combination of staff ill health and retirements and by the need to move away from the old paper-based system.

As an additional resource to parishes, the Diocese is also advertising for an additional third member of the DAC Team at Church House.

Visit the DAC page here

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