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One Small Step

by Michael Ford last modified 08 Mar, 2019 01:54 PM

Making one "small step" could be all that is needed to make a difference to our environment - that is the message of an event hosted by St Paul's Church in Salisbury on 30 March, where they will be turning the lights out in support of curbing climate change.

The event is being organised by the Eco Church group at St Paul's and their Director of Operations Nick Baker explained it would address a very current problem:

"With the news full of stories of the warmest temperatures on record - whether for the UK in February or for Australia or the Antarctic - or the possible mass extinction of insects, it's clear that God's creation is in crisis. Our focus will be on the small steps we can all take to make a real difference.

"We are therefore hosting an event called 'One Small Step' on Saturday 30 March at 7pm and we'd love to invite you and members of your church to join us.

"We have a brilliant speaker - Sarah Wiggins, leader of Tearfund's Global Advocacy Team - and we will also have a market place with the opportunity to find out more about local organisations and businesses making a difference locally, a chance to get involved in advocacy and the opportunity to find out more about our Eco Church journey."

The event also ties in with the World Wildlife Fund's Earth Hour which invites millions of people around the world to turn off their lights for one hour to show their steadfast commitment to protecting nature.

Nick Baker said:
"We will finish our event by turning the lights out, lighting a candle and sharing a short time of prayer and reflection to mark WWF's Earth Hour."

A spokesperson for the WWF said:
"Together we’ll speak up for wildlife and forests. We’ll show our support for rivers and oceans. And we’ll rally around crucial actions needed to curb climate change."

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