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One down and one to go!

by Michael Ford last modified 15 May, 2020 12:56 PM

There is still one place left on our rural Ministry Experience Scheme and this comes with a chance to engage in some pioneering youth work.

For one lucky person, aged between 18 and 30, we are offering some real hands on experience, not just of rural ministry but also the chance to be on the ground floor as we explore new ways to work with our children and young people in the far west of our Diocese.

As the Revd Pete Stone explains, it is a chance to spend 12 months with the "Motley Crew" of the Lyme Bay Deanery:

"When licensing the new Rector of the Bride Valley, Bishop Karen described the Chapter she was joining as a “motley crew”!

"That is a badge of honour that we have held onto in the Lyme Bay Deanery, as we work together in this beautiful part of God’s creation with the coast, the countryside, beautiful villages and bustling towns.

"Yet, a year ago, a national poll revealed that this was one of the most “boring” places to live for under-25s, with little access to opportunity, transport, shops, entertainment and “rather rubbish” broadband. And this was borne out in our experience through our roles working with the schools.

"So what could we do?

"Well, working with Dorset Youth for Christ, the local schools, the SDBE, Rural Hope and the Vocations team we are looking at how we can set up a network of children and youth initiatives across the Deanery which seeks to work with children and young people.

"Work that raises ambitions, creates opportunities of social action, and provide an opportunity to build community through the deanery and see transformation of lives.

"We are in the process of recruiting for the scheme and still have one place left for a young person aged 18-30 to work with this “Motley Crew” through the Ministry Experience Scheme."

Would you like to get involved and join the Scheme?

Would you like to explore your own vocation whilst helping to bring young people together in a rural setting and possibly to inspire our young people to discover and nurture their own faith and discipleship?

To find out more, email and visit

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