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Home News Official recognition for "imaginative ideas, collaboration and generosity"

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Official recognition for "imaginative ideas, collaboration and generosity"

by Michael Ford last modified 06 Nov, 2020 11:28 PM

As our parishes and schools continue to reach out to our communities to spread hope and make a difference, initiatives have been springing up, and their effect is being recognised.

Surveys are showing that the Church has a lot to offer, to the tune of £billions in added value of voluntary time, expertise and effectiveness across the country and all denominations.

HM Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire Sarah Rose Troughton has written to a number of organisations and groups as follows:

"During the past few months of the Covid-19 pandemic, the imaginative ideas, collaboration and generosity shown by many groups and individuals, voluntary and otherwise, across Wiltshire and Swindon has been inspirational and uplifting.

"As Her Majesty the Queen's representative, I would like to thank you, your friends and colleagues for the wonderful and important contribution you have made to the community at large.

"May I ask you to kindly share this message with those you have worked with and after this extraordinary and challenging period let us hope for brighter times ahead."

One of the recipients, Melksham's Children & Families Coordinator Hannah Tarring says:

"It’s such a blessing to engage with the children and families in our communities at this time, and I know we’re all so thankful for our volunteers!"

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