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Off to the Forest of Dean

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Mar, 2020 07:45 PM

Our Diocesan Discipleship Coordinator, Debbie Orris has been appointed to the Church Army role of Pioneer Evangelist for Coleford and the Forest of Dean.

Off to the Forest of Dean

Original photo by Gerry Lynch

But the good news for us, is that we won't be saying goodbye to Debbie before June.

Debbie said:

"It’s been a joy enabling the discipleship and ministries of both lay and ordained people in Salisbury Diocese through my current role, and now I am really looking forward to being 'back at the coal face' of evangelistic ministry.

"I’m looking forward to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in words and action, and drawing people together into new worshipping communities.

"I’m not leaving until the end of June, which will give me opportunity, along with Jonathan Triffitt and the rest of the Ministry and Mission Team, to help shape the new ways of working, to serve the diocesan priorities of Discipleship and Evangelism, Collaborative Leadership, and Transforming Lives and Communities."

Diocesan Secretary David Pain said:

"This opportunity for her to be ‘back at the coal face’ is an important and much needed calling at this time in the life of the church.

"Our loss will be a gain for the Diocese of Gloucester.

"As Diocesan Discipleship Coordinator Debbie has brought the gifts which I associate with the Church Army - a deep commitment, humility and confidence to living and working in daily life as a witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

"All those who have worked with her will have good stories to tell as we say goodbye; I have little doubt that we will look back on her pioneering work in ministry as an important foundation for us taking the next steps together in discipleship and evangelism."

"There will be opportunities nearer the time to express our thanks and best wishes to her as she moves on."

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