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"Not just my toothbrush"

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Mar, 2020 05:43 PM

Bishop Nicholas is blogging this Lent and inviting us to follow his attempt to be a plastic-free pilgrim.

Click here to read and follow

Beginning his blog at the start of the 40 days of Lent, Bishop Nicholas reflected:

"I am struck that there is more plastic in the house that I had noticed - not just my toothbrush or the containers for liquid soap but the toilet seat, quite a lot of gadgetry, my mobile phone, keyboard and computer, and the milk container!

"I’ve got a bamboo toothbrush, a bar of soap and my fountain pen is full of ink but I’ll not manage without my computer and where do we get milk in anything other than a plastic container? Not sure what to do."

He added:

"The aim of this blog is to understand better the place that plastic plays in our lives. How much is necessary? How much recyclable? How much damage is being done? It’s clearly going to be an interesting adventure and I’m not at all sure how easy this is going to be."

Bishop Nicholas is not alone in his attempt to live as plastic-free as he can this Lent. We invite those of you who are also joining in a No-plastic Lent to keep us to date on how you are getting on.

Ali Green contacted us to say:

"I already try to live relatively plastic-free (re-using old plastic bottles, buying shampoo in bar form, milk in glass bottles, unpackaged fruit and veg etc), so for Lent I’m trying to buy no new clothes, even second-hand ones.

"I usually try to buy from a dress agency or charity shop if I can, but that will be off-limits for the duration. I realise that for the majority of the world this is no form of hardship at all. Our comparative wealth came home to me recently when a children’s home in Kenya which I support posted a Facebook photo of the youngsters celebrating a rare delivery of a load of pumpkins. How we take our freedom of choice for granted!"

While Susan Marsh says her local shop is making it easier for her to give up plastic:

"The local shop in Winfrith Newburgh is selling a wide variety of cleaning products: liquid soap, washing liquid, cleaner and so on. You are able to take your own container in to be refilled , therefore there is no need to buy another plastic bottle. They also sell fresh milk from a large container. You buy a glass bottle and can refill as required. Well done Winfrith Village Stores and local residents. Very successful scheme."

Click here to read and follow the Bishop's blog

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