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Home News New Vocations Co-ordinator Takes Over

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New Vocations Co-ordinator Takes Over

by Michael Ford last modified 30 May, 2019 06:22 PM

The Revd Ronnie Crossman is joining the team as our new full time Diocesan Vocations Coordinator.

Ronnie, who has been serving as the Vicar of Highbridge in Somerset and as Area Dean of Axbridge Deanery said:

"I am delighted to be joining the Diocese of Salisbury as your new diocesan Vocations Co-ordinator and look forward to getting to know new colleagues and friends.

"I haven’t come far, having served as a parish priest in the diocese of Bath and Wells for the past seventeen years. I was ordained in 1993 in Bristol and served my curacy in Chippenham. From there I served as an Anglican University Chaplain at UWE in Bristol and then for a short time in Wurzburg, Germany until 2002.

"Throughout my ministry, I have had the privilege of encouraging students on placement during their training as well as having trained curates and mentored those new to parish ministry. Some years ago, I trained as a Spiritual Director and this has been a great benefit as I have supported others to discern God’s call upon their lives.

"God is a God of surprises, I certainly know that to be true in my own life, my hope in this new role, is to ensure that all who are called by God in any form of ministry has the opportunity to explore what that means even if, or perhaps especially if they may not feel they 'fit' the usual expectations."

Diocesan Secretary David Pain said:

“Ronnie will be at the forefront of encouraging more people to offer their skills, faith and energy in mission and ministry in a variety of roles. We know that our ability to pray, serve and grow is dependent on people coming forward in response to their calling by God. She will work with a fantastic team of volunteers who encourage people of offer their time and talents to this work.”

Ronnie will be taking over from the Revd Tony Edmonds, who has been co-ordinating the work of the vocations team and young vocations for the Diocese on a temporary basis since the Revd Benny Hazlehurst had to step down from the role due to ill health.

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