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Home News New Vision and Values Board for junior school

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New Vision and Values Board for junior school

by Michael Ford last modified 24 Mar, 2022 08:36 AM

St Peter’s Church, Parkstone was delighted to support its junior school, Baden-Powell and St.Peter’s, in purchasing a new vision and values display board.

Headteacher, Rachel Rusling explains, "We are very proud of our school vision and values. They embody our ethos and are what makes Baden-Powell and St. Peter’s Junior School distinctive in every way.” 

So finally, after an 18 month wait due to the pandemic, BPSP took delivery of its new vision and values display which is now taking pride of place in the school foyer.  Worth the wait? Most certainly, yes - the visual representation of their very own vision and values truly embodies the Baden-Powell and St. Peter’s ethos and they couldn’t be more delighted. The values of Compassion, Aspiration, Resilience, Friendship and Respect and their theological underpinnings are interwoven between the four house system colours. These are all used as a supportive mechanism to drive the school vision, which is their absolute passion for the children. 

For the last few years BPSP have endeavoured to establish a foundation of excellence, so that the children continue to flourish. Their distinctively Christian vision, taken from Colossians (3.23), “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,” underpins their decision making; their behaviours and their relationships with one another;  it is embedded into the curriculum and permeates throughout all aspects of school life. The school’s drive for all pupils to achieve their fullest potential has been distilled into their vision and values; these are what drive the positive behaviour policy and is fundamental to creating a supportive and nurturing environment. The values based reward systems including Headteacher Awards and House points ensure that the children strive to achieve their very best through God’s guidance. The whole school community can articulate the message of their vision and how all stakeholders can flourish and experience life in all its fullness.

Revd Mike Trotman, Rector of St Peter’s and Foundation Governor remarks, "The new vision and values display looks absolutely fantastic… the school’s Christian ethos is really clear and I love the vibrant wavy lines!"

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