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New RSCM Rep

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Jun, 2021 10:07 PM

Bishop Nicholas has appointed the Revd Mark Wood as our new RSCM Diocesan Representative.

The Royal School of Church Music (RSCM), founded in 1927 and based in Salisbury since 2006, is an international educational charity seeking to promote the study, practice and improvement of music in Christian worship.

Since the first lockdown, the charity has been hard at work addressing issues raised by the pandemic, and has online materials to support choirs and musicians, with FAQs to help parishes.

RSCM also re-launched its regional structure on 1st April 2021, with Director of Music for St John's Devizes Chris Totney agreeing to be our Diocesan Representative.

With former Rep Chris Totney moving out of the Diocese with Jennifer and his family, both to new posts, Bishop Nicholas has now appointed Wilton Rector Mark Wood as our new RSCM Rep.

The Diocesan Representative will help raise the RSCM’s profile within the Diocese and expand the reach of RSCM’s publicity using the Diocesan Music and Ministry training department and the broader diocesan network to reach out to non-RSCM members and to churches with limited musical resources.

Specifically the Diocesan Representative will:

  • Encourage clergy and lay readers to attend RSCM events and courses
  • Use their connections to help arrange Area Festivals and other major events
  • Where appropriate, link RSCM activity with Cathedral outreach and other Diocesan activity
  • Network with colleagues to further RSCM aims and objectives
  • Act as a critical friend to ensure RSCM leads by example and is ‘on message’

The Very Revd Dr John Hall, Chair of RSCM Council says:

"RSCM is keen to encourage more young people into Church. Significant new resources are currently in preparation to link church and other schools and to enable connections with their parish church to flourish.

"We believe that well-founded musical commitment can provide growth for the church community. We are committed to encouraging a lasting future for the Church's choral and musical tradition."

Diocesan Representatives are voluntary, and work together with RSCM and the Diocese to publicise resources and support, especially to churches most in need of them, and help organise festivals and events.

Ultimately, RSCM seeks to serve the needs of its members and the wider Church, continue developing first-class resources, and help musicians and clergy to make best use of music in worship.

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