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Home News New LPA for Ensbury Park

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New LPA for Ensbury Park

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Feb, 2020 03:59 PM

Kim Pouliase has been commissioned as a new Lay Pastoral Assistant (LPA) at Ensbury Park, a suburb of Bournemouth.

New LPA for Ensbury Park

Kim with Archdeacon Antony

Despite the weather, the Archdeacon of Dorset, Antony MacRow-Wood, officiated at parish communion on Sunday morning (9th February).

He said:

"Despite her best efforts, Storm Ciara didn’t deter us and it was a delight to join Kim and the congregation of St Thomas’ for Kim’s commissioning as an LPA.”

The Revd Simon Evans, Vicar of Ensbury Park said:

"Happily, Kim's parents were able to join us, and reasonable numbers braved the weather!

"During the service, Kim received her commission. It's our first pastoral team meeting this week with Kim as part of it, and then she'll have her first duties.

"We're looking forward to having her in the team, and we'll talk with her about how best to use her skills."

As an LPA, Kim provides pastoral care to those within the parish of Ensbury Park. She is also an associate podiatrist in the area, working one day a week.

Qualifying from Westminster University with a degree in podiatric medicine, Kim has mainly worked within the NHS and is the lead podiatrist for homeless healthcare in the local area.

In her spare time she enjoys collecting books and long country walks.

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