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New Explorers Are Launched

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Oct, 2018 02:28 PM

The Diocese of Salisbury gives young people opportunities to take a year to explore their vocation as part of the Church of England Ministry Experience Scheme (CEMES). This year’s two ‘Pray, Serve, Grow’ Explorers are again based in a community house in Poole.

New Explorers Are Launched

L-R: Heather Waldsax, Marcus Mak, Edd Chipchase, Bishop Karen, Adam Bullivant, Jonny Scott, Jane Charman

Adam Bullivant is doing a second year in the scheme, based at St Peter’s Parkstone and St Osmund with Branksea St Mary. Edd Chipchase is based at Christ Church Creekmoor. They have a House Companion to walk alongside them and encourage a sense of community.

The year was organised by the Revd Benny Hazlehurst, assisted by Revd Mark Hay. It began with an official welcome from Bishop of Sherborne Karen Gorham, and Canon Jane Charman, Director of Ministry, at a special commissioning service in the community house. The placement supervisors and members of both parishes also attended.

Bishop Karen says, “The CEMES scheme is a great way for those exploring vocation to experience the local church first hand. This is the third year for us as a diocese and we are pleased to have Adam and Edd with us and look forward to seeing what the year holds for them.”

Young Vocations Co-ordinator Heather Waldsax says, “Adam and Edd will be immersed in the worship and community life of their parishes as well as undertaking theological study and experiencing differing areas of Christian ministry. Each has a personal mentor and a theological mentor to accompany them on their journey of vocational exploration.

“We are indebted to their placement supervisors Fr Michael Camp and Revd Jonny Scott at St Peter’s, and Revds Janice Audibert and Marcus Mak at Creekmoor, for their willingness to support these two young men as they explore their vocation to God’s service.

“Please pray for them, and all young people in our parishes, as they consider what God is calling them to do in their lives.”

Lord we thank you for Adam and Edd
and their openness to hear your call.
We pray that you will lead and guide them,
anoint and equip them,
bless and sustain them.
We pray that you would walk with them
in their parishes,
in their prayer and study,
and in their life together
throughout the year ahead;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our Vocations page is here

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