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Home News New Diocesan Secretary Appointed

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New Diocesan Secretary Appointed

by Michael Ford last modified 10 Oct, 2018 10:16 AM

The Bishop of Salisbury has announced that the new administrative head of the Diocese of Salisbury is the Director of Supporter and Community Partnerships at Christian Aid.

David Pain will take on the role of Diocesan Secretary and Chief Executive after twenty years at Christian Aid. He will lead a team at Church House Salisbury, supporting the work of over 450 parishes in Wiltshire, Dorset, Hampshire and Devon.

The Bishop of Salisbury, Nicholas Holtam, says, “David emerged from a strong field of applicants as the right person to be our next Diocesan Secretary. His past experience will be useful and he comes with a strong set of skills.

“He has a heart for the Church here in this Diocese, where his late father was a priest and his mother still lives. In that sense this is a vocational appointment. We very much look forward to his starting in the New Year.”

David grew up in a vicarage in Bristol and Guildford dioceses. His father later moved into the Diocese of Salisbury, and was a clergyman in Melksham and the Urchfont/ Redhorn Team and, in retirement, Bradenstoke and Dorchester.

David is currently one of the Directors at Christian Aid. He leads the team which works with supporters and churches across Britain and is responsible for Christian Aid’s fundraising, communications and advocacy campaigns. Prior to this, he led Christian Aid’s work across the African continent.

Earlier in his career he worked for the Diocese of Worcester where he was Principal Officer of the Board for Mission.

He says, “I am delighted to have the opportunity to work in the Diocese of Salisbury. I’m looking forward to meeting people across the diocese and working together to make choices about the future.

“The vision of a thriving Christian presence in every community is an inspiring one; we will need to work together to be creative and imaginative to make this sustainable.

“We are called to be agents of change, responding to God’s invitation to transformation and enabling all to live a fullness of life.”

The Chairman of the Diocesan Board of Finance, Nigel Salisbury, explains, “I am delighted that David will be joining the team as Diocesan Secretary. After so many successful years in post it was always going to be difficult to replace Lucinda Herklots but David emerged as an extremely strong candidate from a very strong field.

“He will bring huge spiritual energy and wide management experience to this critical strategic leadership role. I am excited about what he will bring to us and looking forward to his arrival early next year.”

The current Diocesan Secretary, Lucinda Herklots, steps down in November after nearly 15 years in the post. Stephen Dawson, Deputy Diocesan Secretary, will oversee the work at Church House until David arrives.

Lucinda says, “Being Diocesan Secretary has been a brilliant job; varied and interesting. I have enjoyed its challenges, and working with colleagues here. I wish David all the best as he takes over and makes the role his own.”

David lives in Winchester with his wife, Kate and two teenage children. He is a member of St Paul’s Church in Winchester. He enjoys cooking, cycling and spending time with friends and family.

David will start in the post on 1 January 2019.

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