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New Canons from Bradford, Wimborne and Creekmoor

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Sep, 2019 05:13 PM

3 of our clergy are among the new Canons to be welcomed to Salisbury Cathedral College of Canons next week.

New Canons from Bradford, Wimborne and Creekmoor

The Revds Andrew Evans, Janice Audibert and Andrew Rowland, with Jonathan Leigh

But the Revd Andrew Evans (Rural Dean of Bradford and Rector of Broughton Gifford, Great Chalfield and Holt St Katharine), the Revd Andrew Rowland (Rural Dean of Wimborne and Rector of Wimborne Minster and the Northern Villages), and the Revd Janice Audibert (Vicar of Christchurch, Creekmoor) will have to wait to be officially installed because at present there is scaffolding in the Quire.

Our 3 clergy are joined by the former Master of Marlborough College Jonathan Leigh, and become Canons at the invitation of Bishop Nicholas.

Each of the new Canons brings special insights into different aspects of society and expertise that the Dean and Chapter, the Cathedral’s governing body, can draw upon when making decisions regarding the Cathedral and its activities.

The Revd Andrew Evans practised as a solicitor for 20 years, specialising in commercial property law, before being called to ordination in Guildford Diocese. He joins the College as a Non-Residentiary Canon alongside The Revd Andrew Rowland, who was ordained in 2001 and served as Chaplain to the Dorset Police from 2007-2018 and as a Chaplain to The Great Dorset Steam Fair from 2005 onwards. Andrew was instituted as Rector of Wimborne Minster and the Northern Villages in 2018.

The Revd Janice Audibert also joins as a Non-Residentiary Canon. Jane was ordained in 1999, having brought up a family in the Diocese.

Jonathan Leigh, who has been invited to be a Lay Canon, brings a lifetime’s experience of education and working with young people to the College. Jonathan was a chorister at St George’s, Windsor, before moving on to Eton College and subsequently Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, where he was a Tenor Choral Exhibitioner and read History.

Announcing the new appointments, the Dean of Salisbury, the Very Revd Nicholas Papadopulos, said:
“We are delighted that these four candidates are joining us next month when they will be welcomed at Evensong. They will eventually be installed, once the scaffolding has been removed from their stalls in the Quire. In the meantime, we look forward bringing them into the wider Cathedral family and benefitting from their wisdom and experience.”

The College of Canons meets twice a year, providing feedback on Cathedral activities and policy decisions made by Chapter.

The Canons will be welcomed at Evensong on October 3rd.

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