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New arrivals

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Sep, 2019 01:11 PM

Tony Edmonds, who has been interim Vocations co-ordinator for the Diocese has been appointed as our new LLM Training Officer.

Tony was previously Warden of Readers (LLMs) in the Diocese of Leicester and has a wealth of knowledge and experience to bring to the role.

Tony has been a member of the Ministry Team since December 2018 when he took over as interim Vocations Co-ordinator following the sad death of Benny Hazlehurst. We are hugely grateful for his caretaking of this vital area of our work during a period of transition.

There are around 200 LLMs currently active in the diocese, exercising a ministry of preaching, teaching and enabling the learning of others, within a pastoral context. LLMs are discerned by a diocesan panel and typically train part time for three years at Sarum College before being licensed to their sending parish.

To find out more about this important lay leadership role why not come along to one of our regular Vocations Enquiry Days? The next one is on Saturday 5 October at Church House, Salisbury – go here to book.

We also send our very best wishes to Jennifer Totney, Tony’s predecessor in the role, with warm thanks for all her hard work in training and supporting our LLMs at the beginning of their ministry.

Jennifer is currently on maternity leave following the arrival of baby Rosemary Grace (‘Rosie’) Totney on 30 August weighing 5lb 12oz – our second ‘ministry baby’ this year!

Jennifer and Rosie have already paid a visit to Church House to meet the Team.

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