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National Safeguarding News

by Michael Ford last modified 22 Jan, 2020 03:47 PM

The Church of England National Safeguarding Panel has appointed 2 new members.

The Panel scrutinises and challenges the Church of England on existing and proposed policies and practices around safeguarding. It consists of experts in safeguarding, representatives of organisations that support survivors of abuse within religious organisations and representatives of the Methodist and Catholic churches.

It is also attended by the lead and deputy lead bishops for safeguarding and representatives of the Archbishops.

The new members are David Cooper, Independent Chair of the Leicester Diocese Safeguarding Oversight Group and Jasvinder Sanghera, founder of the charity Karma Nirvana.

David has has substantial professional experience in safeguarding at a senior level in local government and the health service and
Jasvinder has extensive experience of working with victims and survivors of forced marriage and honour abuse. She is Chair of the Leeds Children Safeguarding Partnership.

Independent Chair of the Panel, Meg Munn commented:

“I am delighted to welcome David and Jasvinder to the panel. They both bring many years of experience in working with safeguarding issues. In addition, David’s appointment will enhance the panel’s link to dioceses, while Jasvinder’s work is an important link to local authority led safeguarding.”

Director of the National Safeguarding Team, Melissa Caslake, said:

“The scrutiny and challenge of the Panel is vital to the Church’s ongoing safeguarding work and I am very grateful that David and Jasvinder are prepared to give their time and experience to the Panel.”

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