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Home News My journey with Dorchester Fund Raising Committee of The Children’s Society

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My journey with Dorchester Fund Raising Committee of The Children’s Society

by Michael Ford last modified 06 Apr, 2022 07:44 PM

Dorothy Maggs shares the part she has played in raising money for The Children's Society

I became a Member of the Dorchester Fund Raising Committee in 1999 when I was invited to join by Rita Kennett, who is still our Treasurer, at a Church occasion at St George’s church. I have been very fortunate in being part of a very enthusiastic, imaginative and hard working Committee. At times it has been challenging but always with a great sense of purpose and fun. At the present time there are 13 committee members and we have one male member who happens to be very good at compiling and presenting quizzes as well as a good baker. In Dorchester we have a very loyal group of supporters too including someone who was adopted through The Children’s Society and also someone who adopted children through the Society.

I keep a record of all the events we have been involved in over the years and it has been very interesting looking back on these times. One year we had a well known Chef and he sent a list of ingredients he required for his demonstration. This was a real test as we had to source razor clams, quince and venison loin (to name a few). We have also had the great privilege of serving supper to Mary Berry who happened to be a very good friend of one of our Committee. No soggy bottoms that evening! We have had Flower Arrangers, French Supper Evenings with Cancan dancers, Gardeners Question Time, Kate Adie, Antiques Roadshow, Reading of a Christmas Carol, Pop up shops, stalls on Weymouth seafront, Autumn Fayres and more. We had a very successful Music/Jazz evening where we had to produce 250 hot dogs. One of my favourite fund raisers is our Cream Tea in the summer where the Committee dress up in ‘nippy’ outfits and our retired Church organist plays the piano. Over the years we have had well attended Christingle services which include a choir from our local school. One of the disappointments during my time as Chair was the closure of Waves Drop In Centre for Young People in Weymouth due to the withdrawal of funding from DCC.

Like all Committees we are always looking for new members and have been hit in our fund raising abilities by the effects of Covid. We open our Committee meetings with a Prayer for The Children’s Society and always it is in our minds why we do this and know the funds we raise go towards bringing hope back into children’s lives and giving them the support they need in order to enjoy a safe, happy childhood. It has been a very uplifting experience and a privilege being Chair of such a group and I send my best wishes to them all and particularly to Jane Culliford our new Chair.

Jess Meale, Community Relationships Manager for The Children’s Society said:

“I’m always so inspired by the passion and loyalty of our supporters and Dorothy is a shining example of this. The Dorchester Committee is a long-standing group who have raised an incredible £234,788 towards our work over the years. I’m delighted to have Jane on board as the new Committee Chair. If you’re interested in supporting the work of The Children’s Society, or inviting one of our speakers to talk at a service or meeting, please contact me on 07715 510464 or email

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