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Home News Much-needed funding for All Saints

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Much-needed funding for All Saints

by Michael Ford last modified 17 Apr, 2021 12:07 AM

All Saints’ Church in Westbury has received a grant of £24,400 from the Government’s £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund to help the organisation recover and reopen.

Much-needed funding for All Saints

"Absolutely delighted": Team Rector Rebecca Harris

All Saints is among more than 2,700 recipients to benefit from the latest round of awards from the £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund. The award will help the church provide a welcoming space for visitors, engage more with the local community and support their long term financial sustainability.

All Saints’ Church is the ancient parish church of Westbury and has served its community for over 1,000 years. It is a key part of the visitor economy as an attraction, and provides a community space for all. The grant will allow some essential repairs and provide improved interpretation and information to inform visitors of the church's history and stories.

Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden said:

“Our record-breaking Culture Recovery Fund has already helped thousands of culture and heritage organisations across the country survive the biggest crisis they've ever faced.

“Now we’re staying by their side as they prepare to welcome the public back through their doors - helping our cultural gems plan for reopening and thrive in the better times ahead.”

Team Rector Rebecca Harris said:

“We are absolutely delighted that the Parish of Westbury has received this generous grant from the Cultural Recovery Fund. This will help us to make some essential repairs and improvements to the church to be able to welcome visitors to our beautiful building and help us towards a more sustainable future.

“The last year has been very difficult for us and we have been especially sad not to be able to welcome people into our building on a daily basis as we have done in the past. This money will help us to prepare to welcome many more people when we are permitted to once more.”

Ros Kerslake, CEO of The National Lottery Heritage Fund, said:

“Spring is definitely here, bringing not only sunshine but that sense of optimism and hope for the future. We are all looking forward to heritage places and other visitor attractions reopening and I am very pleased that we have been able to support DCMS in delivering this vital funding to ensure the UK’s heritage sector can rebuild and thrive, boosting local economies, creating jobs and supporting personal wellbeing.”

Duncan Wilson, Chief Executive of Historic England, said:

“The value of our heritage sites and the people who run them has been amply demonstrated, as they have provided an anchor for so many of us through the dark days of the last year. Vital grants from the Culture Recovery Fund have helped them survive and will now help them recover, as the places we all cherish start to reopen in the months ahead.”

The funding awarded is from a £400 million pot which was held back last year to ensure the Culture Recovery Fund could continue to help organisations in need as the public health picture changed. The funding has been awarded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Historic England as well as the British Film Institute and Arts Council England.

At the Budget, the Chancellor announced the £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund would be boosted with a further £300 million investment. Details of this third round of funding will be announced soon.

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