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Home News MU raises awareness of Modern Day Slavery

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MU raises awareness of Modern Day Slavery

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Oct, 2020 05:15 PM

Our Mothers' Union marked Anti-Slavery Day with "an enlightening and powerful" service marking Anti Slavery Day (18th October).

Diocesan President Rosie Stiven says:

"A moving and inspiring ‘virtual’ service was prepared and led by our Chaplain, Revd Joanna Naish. We were delighted to have our Provincial President, Kathryn Anderson, join us.

"Through hearing Scripture readings, listening to spirituals and seeing heart-wrenching pictures from the Clewer Initiative resources, members were reminded of both the past horrors of the slave trade and the present ‘hidden’ evil of human trafficking, forced labour, county lines and domestic servitude.

"In the silence, we prayed for all those who are victims of modern day slavery: peopled lured from their homes and families; people deceived while trying to find a better life; people who are desperate to trust anyone.

"We asked the Lord to help us to be more vigilant and watchful; to be aware of those who may need our help, and those who do not know where help may lie.

"Our Service concluded with the words and music of the Matt Redman song, ‘Let My People Go’.

"My sincere thanks to Revd Jo for such an enlightening and powerful Service."

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