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Home News MU Celebrates 140 Years

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MU Celebrates 140 Years

by glynch last modified 18 Apr, 2016 04:23 PM

Mothers’ Union Festival Service fills Cathedral with joy and applause

There was so much to celebrate at the Mothers’ Union Festival Service held in Salisbury Cathedral on Saturday 16 April. MU members and their families gathered together from all parts of the Diocese to celebrate the 140th Anniversary of Mothers’ Union. Local MU members were delighted to have Provincial President, Nikki Sweatman, and her husband, John, join them for the occasion.

MU Branch Banners were proudly paraded through the Nave and the procession concluded with the Salisbury Diocesan Banner being formally handed over by Ann Howard, retiring President, to her successor Rosie Stiven. Bishop Nicholas warmly thanked Ann for her six successful years as Diocesan President. As Ann was presented with her farewell gifts, the Cathedral was filled with applause.

In his Sermon, the Bishop spoke of the MU foundress, Mary Sumner. There was gratitude and thanksgiving for the 140 years of service dedicated to God’s work by all those who had carried on the tasks which she had begun. Looking forward, the Bishop inspired and charged us to carry on God’s work, whatever it may be and to wherever it may lead. Encouraged by the Bishop’s empowering words, our new team came forward to be officially received into their roles.

New Diocesan President Rosie Stiven said, “MU Salisbury Diocese was truly blessed last Saturday. We gave thanks for Mary Sumner and all that she began; we celebrated together the work that has been done and, with the words of our final hymn ‘To God Be The Glory’ in our hearts, we went out, inspired and ready to grasp the work ahead in Jesus’ name.

“If you are in Salisbury Cathedral during the next two weeks, do please look at our special MU Festival Display which is in St. Margaret’s Chapel, in the South Transept.”

Bishop Nicholas’ sermon can be read here.

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