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Home News Mothers' Union Celebrates Lady Day

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Mothers' Union Celebrates Lady Day

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Apr, 2021 12:40 AM

The Annual Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary is a key date for our Mothers' Union.

Diocesan President Rosie Stiven says:

"On Thursday 25th March, Mothers’ Union marked the Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Lady Day) with a special Zoom Service of the Word organised and led by our Diocesan MU Chaplain, the Revd Joanna Naish. In her inspiring address, Revd Jo reflected upon Mary’s obedience to God’s call to become the mother of Jesus Christ. Using The Walking Madonna as a symbol of obedience, purpose and courage, Revd Jo’s words renewed in us the spirit to continue our ministry of dedicated prayer and service to the Lord, all of which lies at the heart of our MU membership.

"Our Service was full of celebration. We were delighted to welcome our Provincial President, Kathryn Anderson, as well as members from Guernsey who joined us for the first time. At the beginning of the Service we congratulated 3 members who were celebrating their years of membership of MU – June Doran, 70 years' membership, and Beatrice Smith and Pat Cherrett both with 50 years' membership. We shared a virtual round of applause! In all, we had 87 participants join our Zoom link and many of those were couples.

"My sincere thanks to Revd Jo for leading us in such an inspiring and uplifting Service. My thanks also to Tony and Carole Jones who led us so well in music and song; to Rosemary Allen (zooming from Scotland) for our reading, and to Elizabeth Wood for those beautiful intercessions. Thank you all for helping us to Renew Our Hope and Confidence.

"With my thanks, love and prayers to all our membership for a Joyful Easter."

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