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More than a Coincidence

by Michael Ford last modified 03 Jul, 2019 03:05 PM

A series of coincidences and links are being looked on as clearly God's way of telling one Wiltshire church to host a concert for a well-known Christian singer.

The Revd Dr Allen Edwards, Associate Minister at Christ Church Warminster, explains this wonderful story of Renewing Hope:

"Christ Church had never hosted a concert before when I was approached by a clergy colleague, the Revd Mike Stear from Weymouth, asking if they would consider hosting one of Sharon Tedford's concerts.

"I approached the Churchwardens for their approval. However, before they could respond the Church Treasurer also mentioned that a Baptist minister who he knew in Westbury had also asked him if Christ Church would consider hosting one of Sharon’s 2019 tour concerts.

"Then a few days later, 2 other church members sent an email saying they had noticed that Sharon Tedford, a Christian singer songwriter and author who they follow on Facebook, was arranging a concert tour and could Christ Church host one of the concerts?"

But after the idea had received PCC approval, Allen found yet another link:

"I then contacted Sharon’s agent in the UK (her Father Terry) and agreed a date for the concert. When we met up to finalise some of the details they realised that my daughter had been in the same class at school with Sharon’s brother, and both mums knew each other from waiting with their children for the school bus!"

The final part of the story is that it has been announced recently that a new vicar, the Revd Lorraine Dobbins, has been appointed and will be coming to Christ Church in the autumn. Lorraine is currently vicar at St Francis of Assisi Littlemoor, which is the other venue in this diocese on Sharon’s concert tour.

"It is wonderful how God goes before us in planning our future programme!" Allen said.

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