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Mission Swap Shop

by Michael Ford last modified 31 Jan, 2020 12:14 PM

Following the successful pilot of the Sarum Mission Swap Shop last May, our Mission and Ministry team has announced 4 more in 2020 that will encourage swapping and sharing across the whole Diocese.

Diocesan Mission and Ministry Resource Officer Steve Inglis said:

"The Swap Shops are an opportunity to delve into the what, why, where and how of mission and discover ideas and resources for your context.

"If you have anything you can bring to share that would be great. If you’re stuck for ideas, no problem, just come!"

The swap shops are open to all - clergy and laity alike.

The first of the 2020 Mission Swap Shops will cover the Dorset Archdeaconry and takes place at Church House, High St, Wimborne on Saturday February 22nd - the other 3 will be held in the Sarum Archdeaconry on Wednesday 29 April, in the Wilts Archdeaconry on Saturday 7 November and in the Sherborne Archdeaconry on Saturday 21st. Venues for these will follow.

For details of what areas each Archdeanconry covers, click here.

Book a place on the first Swap Shop here.

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