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Mission Swap Shop

by Michael Ford last modified 09 May, 2019 11:27 AM

A chance to swap ideas and resources for Mission, as well as gathering up some new ones is being offered in Salisbury this May.

The Sarum Mission Swap Shop takes place in the Annex of St Frances Church, Salisbury (SP1 3PN) from 10am to 1pm on Tuesday 21 May and is open to all, clergy or lay, from whatever context be it rural, urban or coastal.

As Sarum Archdeacon Alan Jeans explains:
"Travelling across the Diocese, I’m aware of so many parishes that are trying new ways of reaching people not yet involved in the life of the church. Sharing what your local church is doing, and exploring what others have tried, just makes plain sense.

"The Mission Swap Shop will offer opportunities for sharing and exploring ideas with like-minded people. Come and join us!"

"Let’s get together and encourage one another," enthuses Claire Horton, Sarum Rural Field Officer.

"I look forward to sharing coffee and cake (provided!) together and chewing over the joys and challenges of outreach within our communities."

For more info or to sign up, please email Steve Inglis, Ministry Resource Officer, at , to ensure there is plenty of cake!

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