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Home News ‘Me, God and Covid-19’

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‘Me, God and Covid-19’

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Jun, 2020 04:36 PM

"Where is God in all of this?" is a question being asked by people of all ages, but one organisation is helping parents explore the answers with their children.

Parenting for Faith which is part of BRF (the Bible Reading Fellowship) has created some activities to help families explore faith in the midst of this pandemic.

BRF offers a selection of printable pages to serve as a springboard, starting some great conversations with children about where God is and how children can connect with him in the midst of Covid-19.

Activities and questions include:
- Draw a picture or diagram of God in your home with you. Where is He and what is He doing?
- Something I miss about church as a building
- If I was in charge of online church, I would...
- God says He turns all things together for good (Romans 8:28). What good do you see happening because of Covid-19?
- Why do you think God made hearts that can be lonely?
- Who from the Bible would you pick to be in lockdown with?
- If God is everywhere, then why do we go to a church building?
- What emotions have you felt during your time at home?
- What will you miss about now when we can go back to normal life?

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