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Home News Mary and Joseph Get Confirmed

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Mary and Joseph Get Confirmed

by Michael Ford last modified 17 Dec, 2018 05:49 PM

It isn’t often you see Mary and Joseph being confirmed but that is exactly what happened at St James' Poole.

The church celebrated the confirmation of five adults at the end of a weekend of festivities including the Christmas Tree Festival and the first ever Poole Quay Moving Nativity. And amongst those who were confirmed by Bishop Karen were Neil and Kelly Tilsed who had played the parts of Joseph and Mary in the Nativity.

Neil, a Carpenter by trade, had also made the stable that was in St James' Churchyard. Before the weekend they both commented on the experience of both being in the Nativity and preparing for confirmation.

Kelly said:
"I feel extremely honoured to play the part of Mary, such an awe-inspiring woman. Being involved in our Nativity has truly been a great & fun experience and the most fantastic way for Neil and I to celebrate our faith as we are confirmed that same weekend."

Neil echoed these thoughts saying what a positive experience for him being involved and preparing for Confirmation had been.

The Rector of St James, Revd Lucy Holt said:
"The confirmation service itself was full of joy and it was wonderful to see parents of our Sunday school children Neil and Kelly and Kayleigh Smith confirming their faith along with Kelly Lockyer and Carl Saunders who are to be married next year at St James."

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