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Marking Creationtide

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Jul, 2019 04:17 PM

Bishop Nicholas has joined church leaders around the world in calling on the whole Christian family to join in marking the Season of Creation as a special time to "pray, reflect, and take bold action to preserve creation in all its complexity and specificity."

The Season of Creation, also known as Creationtide, runs from the 1st September to the feast of St Francis of Assisi on the 4th October each year and provides a special opportunity for Christians around the world and across different traditions to pray, reflect, and act on the urgent issues of climate change.

Bishop Nicholas said:

"Celebrating the Season of Creation marks a shift in the Christian understanding of our relationship to creation under God. The consequences of teaching over recent centuries that humanity has been given domination over creation are clear in the complex environmental crisis we now face."

The Bishop also recommended the new anthem "A Song for the Season of Creation” which has been composed especially for this Season:
“We can see the urgency to care for God’s earth, our common home. Music and worship give form to our Christian lives. This is a song for God’s creation we can all sing this Season of Creation"

The anthem has been commissioned by the Church of England’s Environment Working Group and composed by Ian Stephens in several arrangements, including one for congregations. It sets to music the words of a poem, “Everything Holds Together”, by Malcolm Guite.

You can download scores and listen to the anthem here.

For more information go to

Resources are now available, including helpful suggestions for linking Lectionary readings to care for Creation and concerns about climate crisis.

Other resources including daily reflections by email are available by signing up on the EcoChurch Southwest website.

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