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Marking Bishop Nicholas's retirement

by Michael Ford last modified 28 May, 2021 07:48 PM

Bishop Karen has written to the Diocese to outline farewells for Bishop Nicholas, giving details of how to donate to charity and send messages for the Bishop's card.

Marking Bishop Nicholas's retirement

Original photo by Ash Mills

Bishop Karen writes:

Dear Friends and Colleagues

As you are aware Bishop Nicholas retires on 3rd July having been Diocesan Bishop for the last ten years. We shall be marking this in a number of ways:

Firstly, we will say farewell to Bishop Nicholas and to Helen at Choral Evensong in Salisbury Cathedral on Saturday 3 July 2021, at 5.30pm. At this stage we do not know how many people will be able to attend in person, but we will monitor the progress of the Covid restrictions carefully and will keep the Diocese informed of what is possible as we approach the date. The service will be livestreamed here, and we hope that wherever you are, many of you will join us to worship God, to give thanks for our Bishop’s ministry among us, and to pray for him and Helen as a new chapter opens for them.

Secondly, we would like to give Bishop Nicholas and Helen a gift from the Diocese in thanksgiving for all they have brought. This will be presented to them both after the service. Donations towards a gift, from individuals, organisations or congregations, will be gratefully received and can be sent directly to the Salisbury DBF Account: Sort code 30-97-41 Account number 00007237. Please add the reference: ‘+Nicholas’.

Thirdly, Bishop Nicholas is also encouraging those who wish to give to mission in the Diocese in thanksgiving for his ministry via the Aldhelm Mission Fund. We have set up a JustGiving page for this purpose. Bishop Nicholas writes: ‘The Aldhelm Mission Fund has been a vital support of new and imaginative mission in the Diocese via grants to the local church. Its continued work depends on the generosity of those who want to seed new work for local mission. The Fund is a good way to give confidence to local mission and a gift to this fund would be a happy legacy from my time as bishop’. Personal donations to the Aldhelm Mission Fund can be given via our JustGiving page:

Finally, should you wish to send a message to be inserted into a card for Bishop Nicholas and Helen please would you send it to by the end of June.

Please join with us in praying for Bishop Nicholas and Helen as they come to the end of their ministry here, for a joyful and thankful farewell, and a very happy retirement.

With all good wishes and thanks for your response.

+Karen Sherborne

Download a web copy of the letter here.

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