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Home News Making the most of Easter

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Making the most of Easter

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Feb, 2021 07:16 PM

Canon Richard Hancock (Rural Field Officer for Dorset) and Canon Janet Smith (Energising Local Ministry Officer for the Diocese) are hosting an Easter webinar on 6th March.

This is the most recent in a successful series of 'Celebrating the Rural Seasons' webinars put together by the Rural Hope team.

Richard and Janet say: ‘Join us on Zoom to share ideas on how to celebrate the Easter weekend [with Covid restrictions!] and reach out to our local communities as we celebrate new life and new hope.’

Along with great, practical resources for holding Easter services, whether in church or online, there will be a forum for discussion and a chance to share ideas about how to celebrate the essential and unchanging message of Easter in these new and sometimes challenging times.

Joining Richard and Janet will be Devizes Youth and Families Worker Helen Anderson and Verwood Lay Pioneer Martyn "Hank" Hancock.

Helen says:

"I am a youth and children’s minister currently working out of a parish church within the Salisbury Diocese. My ministry work spans the breadth of the Anglican Church working within contemporary and traditional forms of worship. With over 10 years of experience including work within schools, with young offenders and special educational needs, I will be delivering a session on community relationships and how to engage young people with Easter."

Hank says:

"I was christened into the C of E when I was 3 years old and have rarely not been a part of it. However, I would claim to be a Christian rather than an Anglican. Surprisingly, I’ve been part of St Michael’s church in Verwood for over a third of my life working with parish priests who do not always share my churchmanship, but do share my love for Jesus!

"Over the years I have led youth work, been a churchwarden in 2 very different parishes, and considered ordination. Most recently I was commissioned as a lay pioneer. I suspect that this is a natural progression since I regularly seem to be part of ‘new things’.

"I look forward to meeting you and taking part in discussion and the sharing of ideas."

To sign up for this webinar which is open to all, please follow this link.

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