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Lyme Bay Deanery Synod

by Michael Ford last modified 03 Feb, 2022 10:49 AM

Two week's ago, Lyme Bay deanery synod gathered to discuss and better understand the Mission and Pastoral Plan. Rural Field Officer, The Revd Margaret Preuss-Higham has shared what she learned, and even got a bonus glimpse of God's glory, through creation, on her journey home.

"My Rural field officer post is varied; recently I was invited to attend the recent Lyme Bay deanery synod. Revd Canon Jonathan Triffitt, the Director of Mission and Ministry/ Deputy Diocesan Secretary was to be the main speaker. He spoke to us about the Mission and Pastoral Plan, opening it up so all could have a better understanding of its place in the diocese. The aim of the plan it to assist us all to reimagine ministry and mission in our Diocese, setting some aspirations in place for funding and development as we continue to renew our hope. It sets priorities and in setting those priorities it gives a focus to our lives as Christians and to how we interact within our communities and serve them. The Mission and Pastoral Plan is a living document, and I would recommend engagement with it for all. Some very deep and searching questions came out in following discussions that morning, engagement with it could take you to on an exciting journey of discovery, therefore I suggest you ask Jonathan to come and take you through it. 

As an aside to get where synod was held, I had the joy of driving through the Bride Valley and those who know me will know I don’t travel far without my camera. I couldn’t resist taking the photo you see below of the Dorset landscape." 

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