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Loss and Hope

by ajack last modified 08 Dec, 2021 04:52 PM

The holiday season, although filled with loved ones and celebrations, can be a stressful time of year. But when you are dealing with grief, it can be even more challenging.

Recent studies from the Church of England shows that 6 in 10 of us have been bereaved since March 2020, with 1 in 4 having experienced more than one death.  

The study also revealed that people feel that we, as churches, should be active in offering support to those who have lost their loved ones. With over 90% wanting churches to offer a place for people to light a candle and to remember loved ones, and over 90% wanting churches to offer a place to talk or a listening ear. 

Grief can feel overwhelming and unbearable, but it’s important to know that you are not alone and for us to build a support network for those who need us in our Diocese. 

Please, join us on this journey and support those who need bereavement support. Starting now.  

What you can do 

Use your communication channels, whether that’s your intranet, social media channels or leaflets, to spread the word about the following projects:  

At a Loss provide the UK's signposting website for anyone bereaved and those supporting them. This is an easy way for clergy to direct bereaved congregation members and people in their communities to support. The website could be advertised on church websites, in church foyers (posters are available), at funerals (cards are available), and we recommend, this year especially, mentioned at Christmas services or on carol service sheets. See more at 

Loss and Hope 

Loss and HOPE is a project working with the Church of England Life Events Department, Care for the Family and HOPE Together, equipping churches in bereavement support.  A dedicated website provides resources, training and information for clergy and any Christian wanting to know how to effectively support bereaved people. Information on holding an alternative Christmas service is currently available, as well as Remembering at Christmas menu and regular webinars (Bereavement Friendly Church) are provided for leaders to consider how to improve their church’s accessibility to those who have been bereaved. See more at 

The Bereavement Journey  

The Bereavement Journey is an effective resource for supporting all bereaved people in the community, which Loss and HOPE is recommending UK churches offer as a pandemic recovery response. A 6-session series of films and discussion groups (including an optional session on faith), it has a step-by-step guide, promotional materials and team support, making it easy for any church to run online or face to face.  We encourage churches to offer this to bereaved people in their communities after Christmas. 

See more at and 

It’s important to play your part for those grieving in our Diocese this Christmas. 

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