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Home News Lord-Lieutenant appointed Patron of domestic abuse charity

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Lord-Lieutenant appointed Patron of domestic abuse charity

by Michael Ford last modified 06 Mar, 2021 02:04 AM

Mrs Sarah Rose Troughton, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Wiltshire, is giving her support to Swindon and Wiltshire’s domestic abuse charity by becoming a Patron.

Bishop Andrew welcomed this new appointment, saying:

"The pandemic has the deepened the plight of those living with the nightmare of domestic abuse. Our Lord-Lieutenant’s support for this important local charity will be so valuable in highlighting their need."

Mrs Troughton, who is the official representative of Her Majesty the Queen, has been Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire since February 2012 and was the first woman in the county to hold the position since its creation in the 16th Century.

Mrs Troughton said: “I’ve been aware of the terrific work of Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service for many years and I am delighted and honoured to become a Patron.

“During the pandemic domestic abuse support services have been needed more than ever. I’m especially keen to lend my support in raising awareness and helping male as well as female victims of domestic abuse, and this is an area in which I know SDASS are working hard.”

Nicky Alberry, Chair of the board of Trustees of SDASS said: “We are all so pleased that Sarah Troughton has agreed to become one of our Patrons. She has always taken a keen interest in our work and her passion and determination will be a great help for us going forward.

“Her appointment is reflective of the work we are now doing across Wiltshire in supporting all victims of domestic abuse, and we look forward to working with her in what will be a very busy time as COVID restrictions are lifted.”

The appointment of Mrs Troughton follows on from the recent appointment of Dame Esther Rantzen OBE as a Patron earlier this year.

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