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Looking for Experiences

by Michael Ford last modified 22 Jan, 2020 03:57 PM

Our Vocations Coordinator has been touring the Diocese talking to people about the opportunities to inspire a future generation to a calling in rural ministry.

Every September the Diocese offers 11-month placements to 18-30 year olds who want to explore a calling to ministry in the Church of England.

The placements can be in urban or rural settings, with those taking part staying either in the shared house in Poole where the urban placement is set, or in the rural parishes and communities they are working within.

Amomg the places Ronnie Crossman visited to discuss possible rural locations for our young volunteers was Hilfield, the Dorset Franciscan Friary.

The Community is keen to explore the possibility of combining a community life with a parish placement as part of the ministry experience scheme this year.

Hilfield regularly welcomes young volunteers who want to experience something of community life, allowing them to enter fully into the life and worship of the community which includes practical work in and around the small holding.

while there Ronnie found about more about the A Rocha Gold Eco Award The Community have achieved there, and the range of eco projects being carried out within the community.

All things that our MES volunteers could learn more about.

More about Hilfield

More about our Ministry Experience Scheme

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