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Lockdown teas for the church

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Jun, 2020 10:47 PM

With the present crisis curtailing almost all of our churches' normal fundraising events, our churches are finding new ways to raise much-needed funds.

In the Dorset village of Toller Porcorum, they took their annual and very popular Cream Tea online.

Churchwarden Jo Stephenson, who organised the event explains:

"Each year the village of Toller Porcorum PCC's band of bakers bake scones en masse and run a Cream Tea afternoon in the village hall. This event is always well attended and the village looks forward to it.

"This year however, as the country went into lockdown, we had to think outside of the box.

"I decided the Cream Tea would still take place, just ‘differently’. I started talking to a few members of the catering committee and made the decision I would make it a ‘take away’ with Zoom as an option if people wanted, and to offer a ‘savoury’ tea as an alternative option.

"I went online and bought recycled carrier bags and pots with lids. I then set the date and announced it in the village newsletter. As time got closer I put posters around the village and on the village Facebook page, giving instructions on how to order. It wasn’t long before the orders started coming in.

"By 5 days before, it was obvious I was going to need to order more cream... and as lockdown restrictions lifted slightly, people decided Zoom was no longer needed, as we could meet in groups of 6 in our gardens.

"Saturday 13th was spent disinfecting my kitchen and baking equipment before setting about making 200 scones, a mixture of sweet and savoury to fill the bags for 80 Cream Teas. (usually we sell around 50.)

"Sunday morning found me and my husband, Nigel, filling pots with jam and cream and then making up the bags to be distributed to the 3 collection stations.People were given times and collection locations.

"Luckily it all worked, everyone got their orders and all orders were collected. The only request made of them was that they took pictures of their garden parties and post them on the village Facebook page.

"Even the sun came out after a week of rain to enjoy the festivities."

Did you know even if you can't attend Church, you can still give to your local church? You can set up a standing order or direct debit. Contact your PCC Treasurer or the Diocesan Finance team to find out how.

We would love to hear how you are helping to raise much-needed funds for your church at this time, drop us a line at .

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