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Local Learning

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Sep, 2020 09:47 PM

Study is a key part of discipleship in this Diocese, whether at home, in a church study group, or on an accredited course from our ministry partners at Sarum College. For many people, this can be a crucial step on the road to licensed or ordained ministry.

Local Learning

Photo by Heidi Merrett

Heidi Merrett from Lyme Regis went to Summer School at Sarum College.

She says:

"I have just returned from my first Summer School as part of my Formation for Ministry Course at Sarum College situated in the beautiful precincts of Salisbury Cathedral.

"We had a full programme of lectures and group work focussed on 'Mission' and have been set our first essay based around this theme. This will be the first of many essays and the expectation for the next 2 years is that I will be studying for 40 hours a week and spending a day and a half (including Sunday worship) in a parish context.

"During Summer School I was introduced to my Reflection Group, a lively, opinionated group of ordinands from varied backgrounds who will certainly keep me on my toes. One of my first tasks is to form a Local Learning Group of around 6 people who will agree to accompany me on my journey during the next 2 years.

"The idea is that we will meet about once a month for around an hour and a half to discuss what I am learning to enable me to develop my pastoral awareness and understanding and learn skills of group facilitation. As one of my reflection group suggested, “It’s a bit like Build-a-Vicar!”

If you are interested in finding out more, do contact Sarum College via 01722 424800 or .

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