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Home News Little things, Big differences

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Little things, Big differences

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Jun, 2020 04:00 PM

Our churches are still transforming lives and communities during this pandemic, in a whole host of little ways that are making big differences.

Little things, Big differences

Lyneham collection point

Recently St Andrew's Church Laverstock in Wiltshire decided to organise a food bank collection throughout their village.

Mary Terry from St Andrew's explains:

"People were invited to leave their donations in the church porch throughout the day which was then combined with the collection at Salisbury St Mark's.

"The response was so encouraging and another sign how the village is pulling together during this time."

Little things, Big differences- Laverstock foodbank collection_
Laverstock foodbank collection

The church has also set up a Prayer Tree in the churchyard, onto which people can tie a ribbon symbolizing a spoken or unspoken prayer.

Mary says:

"The result shows that the invitation is appreciated. A nearby poster displays suggested prayers that can be offered."

Little things, Big differences- Laverstock Prayer Tree
Laverstock Prayer Tree

Meanwhile, residents in the Wiltshire village of Lyneham have been donating items for the Swindon Food Collective (formally The Swindon Food Bank) and, by popular demand from local residents, will continue to do this during the weeks ahead.

The project is co-ordinated by Friends of St Michael’s Church in Lyneham, where there is a collection point.

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