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Listening to their voices

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Dec, 2019 04:16 PM

Christmas is often a time where children get celebrated. Whether it be through gathering together as family, or carol singing at events, or through being able to visit schools for festive celebrations, this time of year gives churches and schools many opportunities for children to take centre stage.

In recent months, the Children + Young People Advisory Team has been working closely with 5 market towns in our Diocese to support schools and churches in hearing the voice of the children and young people of their town, and allowing their views to shape and influence decisions in the town for their benefit. It is an initiative called Community Hubs.

Recently, as part of the process in Sherborne, we sat 12 young people aged between 11-18 years old in a room with local leaders and influencers to chat to them about the students views on the town, on mental health provision and on improving intergenerational connections. It led to some incredibly profound moments.

Giving students the opportunity to think, reflect and own their views led brings change in our conversations, change in our perspectives and brings people together.

So, this Christmas, please do spare a moment and a prayer for the children and young people of our diocese, and take some time to listen with them this Advent.

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