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Home News Lighting up the world with Prayer

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Lighting up the world with Prayer

by Michael Ford last modified 30 Apr, 2021 11:54 PM

Thy Kingdom Come, the global prayer movement, takes place 13th-23rd May this year, and new resources are being added all the time.

National resources include the 'Thy kingdom Come Prayer Journal' and 'Novena – Praying the psalms'.

New resources for 2021 include reflections for young people, resources created in collaboration with the Cheeky Pandas, an updated Prayer Adventure Map, the new ‘We Seek Your Kingdom’ hymn (view it here), and more!

A Diocesan ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Wave of Prayer, 22nd-23rd May, is a proposal for a simple campaign to create a wave of prayer across the Diocese on social media during Pentecost, from Saturday to Sunday evening, ending with the ‘Church Leaders Prayers for Pentecost’ on the Sunday evening.

Churches are encouraged to post livestreams, prayers, songs and other Thy Kingdom Come activities on social media under this united hashtag identifying it as a Diocesan wave of prayer:


Engagement will be created through social media posts including short videos to encourage churches and individuals to join in.

National resources are here.

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