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Light Up Poole

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Feb, 2020 04:02 PM

Poole's town centre church is playing an active role in this year's Festival of Light and asking the question 'What do you have faith in?'

As well as playing host to an "installation of firelight" that poses the question, St James will also be providing refreshments for the expected large crowds that will descend on the town for this years Light Up Poole.

Between Thursday 20th and Saturday 22nd of February, as night falls, artists and communities will celebrate Poole’s diverse landscape with co-produced light and sound installations illuminating the historic old town, urban high street, and waterfront.

Inspired by the theme ‘Spectrum’, artists will respond to difference exploring disability, social exclusion, age, faith and more.

The organisers want to encourage the public to explore the arts/ science/ technology crossover from new angles.

The installation 'What do you have faith in?' by AndNow will be on view from 6pm until 10pm during the festival.

Light Up Poole logo

The introduction to the installation says:

"An installation of firelight by AndNow at St James’ Church – a church of the sea.
"Seafarers hope for good weather and safe passage; they trust to their boats, their ability and their luck.
"Some people feel a confidence in what will be, for others the future is more mysterious or even daunting.
"We sail through turbulent times, what helps steady your hand upon the tiller?

"Faith: the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things unseen?"

Other highlights include senior science adviser Mark McCaughrean from The European Space Agency, BBC’s art and cultural historian Dr Janina Ramirez, and the story of Mathmos Lava Lamps: made in Poole since 1963.

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