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Light in the Darkness

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Feb, 2021 08:46 PM

As our parishes seek to bring hope and transformation to their communities, many new approaches come directly from thinking about the local area, responding to needs, and literally shining out the hope of the Christian gospel.

Churches in Warminster have launched a chat line and an interactive display. Christ Church, St Denys and St John's collaborated on a tree of light, an unmissable vinyl banner, and a set of printed reflections outside Christ Church that passers-by could use to access content online.

Christ Church Vicar Lorraine Dobbins says:

"It's about discovering the Light and Love of Christ in the darkness of the situation we all find ourselves in right now.

"We decided that we wanted to create a visible sign to the wider community that 'There is a Light that Shines in the Darkness' and that it is experienced through the love of Jesus. So we decided that as we are on top of a hill we would light a tree up near the roadside of the church grounds with lights and place a big banner underneath it to remind those in our community that the light of Christ still shines in the darkness of lockdown and isolation.

"That at a time of year that is difficult for many - even without the added weight of Covid-19 and restrictions - when lots of people feel in a dark place, that the light of Christ continually shines and that he can bring light into our lives.

"In addition to the tree of lights and the accompanying banner we have also placed some reflections around our tree which we hope will bring light and hope to those who need it right now. Each reflection has a QR code so that people can listen as well as read and have a hymn or worship song to listen to which is connected to each reflection.

"We plan to keep changing the reflections every few weeks so that the church grounds can be a place for people to draw near to the light of Christ and connect to God. We don't have an end date in mind, and plan to keep it there for all to see with different reflections as long as people need it."

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