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Letting the Light in

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Dec, 2020 09:41 PM

In this Eco Diocese, we encourage forward-thinking ideas to address the Climate Emergency, save emissions and make the best of our resources. So why not use free sunlight?

The Revd Jonathan Herbert is based at the Gold-Eco-Church-Award-winning Hilfield Friary, and says:

"This week we dedicated 4 new roofs of 80 solar panels at Hilfield Friary. We marked the occasion joyfully in true Franciscan spirit with Brother Hugh leading us in singing St Francis ‘Canticle of the Creatures’, singing heartily:

My Lord be praised by Brother Sun,
Who through the sky his course does run,
And shines in brilliant splendour;
With brightness he does fill the day,
And signifies your boundless sway.

"St Francis loved to sing of God’s generosity at the heart of all things, and his Canticle speaks of this and the connectedness of all that God has made. St Francis also loved visual and symbolic representations of God’s love and it was he who set up the first crib scene, with real sheep and cattle in the Italian village of Greccio in 1223.

"On Christmas Eve at 4.30pm we will have a short drive-through Nativity Service at Hilfield, featuring soldiers of an occupying army, shepherds, sheep, fires, stories, mince pies, carols and more. To book your place contact .

"Our motivation for installing the panels was to generate more electricity ourselves and build resilience in response to the growing Climate and Ecological Emergency. We also want to encourage others to do so too. If your Church, Church Hall or vicarage is in Dorset, you can qualify for 40% off new panels by contacting Low Carbon Dorset.

Letting the Light in- the new Hilfield solar array
one of the new Hilfield solar arrays

"At Hilfield we try to live ever more sustainably, but we also seek to have a prophetic voice. Out of our life of prayer we feel called to demonstrate how to live more gently on the earth our common home, but also to demonstrate out on the streets about how climate change and ecological devastation is effecting the poorest people on earth and how it is coming for us too.

"As well as singing out for joy, Francis also called people to repentance and to live more simply. As Christmas approaches here at the Friary we pray to receive God’s gifts of humility, love and joy."

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