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Home News Let's talk about THRIVE-ing

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Let's talk about THRIVE-ing

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Oct, 2019 04:59 PM

The Rural Hope team has been out and about, with a roadshow that talks all about the THRIVE initiative.

Let's talk about THRIVE-ing

Canon Hancock gives a presentation

The THRIVE course is designed to promote growth and collaboration in rural parishes and sessions are already underway with a number of benefices in our Diocese.

Our Rural Hope Programme Manager Sarah Keen and Rural Field Officer Revd Canon Richard Hancock visited the Dorchester Deanery Synod to talk about the programme, which is all about growing and equipping rural ministry.

Sarah explains:

"As the county town of Dorset, Dorchester sounds rather urban, but in fact the Dorchester Deanery is predominantly rural.

"Hence why Rural Hope team members, Revd Canon Richard Hancock and myself, were invited to talk about the programme at the Deanery Synod in Cerne Abbas.

"The presentation set out the rationale, aims and activities of Rural Hope with a particular emphasis on THRIVE."

Synod members were urged to consider participating in this collaborative leadership training programme.

Canon Hancock also set out the four pillars of mission and how the work of the Rural Field Officers can assist with these.

The talk was followed by a lively Q&A.

Dorchester Deanery Lay Chair, Margaret Morrissey said afterwards:

"It was great to hear so many new mission-focused ideas which Deanery Synod members can share with their PCCs and to learn how Rural Hope can support local teams take these forward."

And the evening has already prompted further interest in joining THRIVE.

Dorchester Rural Dean, the Revd Canon Jonathan Still, added:

"The Rural Hope presentation provided much food for thought. THRIVE, with its emphasis on collaborative working, is something we will look into further."

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