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Let’s talk about grief

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Feb, 2019 09:20 PM

'While the Victorians were intimate with death and grief and thought sex very much taboo, today the situation is very much reversed and that is why we all need to talk about and understand bereavement.'

Let’s talk about grief

Photo of Jane Oundjian courtesy the 'AtALoss' website

That’s the view of Jane Oundjian, an experienced bereavement counsellor who will be running another of her popular bereavement courses at All Saints, Branksome Park in Poole.

As Revd Charlie Boyle, the Vicar at All Saints explains, the course, which will explore the journey of bereavement, is a very important one for the church community.
“There is an enormous need today to reach those who are on the journey through their grief to hope. The course recognises that while every journey through grief is individual and unique, there are common elements or ‘signposts’, in Jane’s language, which can be useful guides for the journey.”

The Bereavement Journey Course, which is a joint collaboration between All Saints’ (Poole) and St Swithun’s (Bournemouth), is the second one the churches have held jointly and the last provoked a very positive response from those who attended.

“All Saints have a long established Bereavement Group that meets in the day but many non-retired folk can’t make that time, so in October last year we embarked on a new journey with just over a dozen people embarking on the evening course.

“Every single response from the guests was positive, with many describing how helpful they’d found it, with many being willing to help on a subsequent course”. Revd Boyle said.

This Bereavement Journey Course lasts for six weeks and aims to help anyone who is on the journey we take when we grieve the loss of someone close to us.

The course, which begins on 7 March at All Saints, is based on a tried and tested approach, with a shared meal, an informative talk and a time for group discussion and sharing, led by experienced bereavement counsellors.

More details can be found at

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