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Shift the Blame

by ajack last modified 25 Nov, 2021 01:11 PM

Will you help end Gender Based Violence? 1 in 3 women experience violence at some point in their lives. And it’s time to end it.

What do you think of when you hear the phrase ‘Gender Based Violence’? Many think that Gender Based Violence is just physical, but it’s more than that. It’s domestic abuse, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and stalking to name a few.

Every year, Mothers' Union's, a global Christian movement, joins in the worldwide 16-day campaign that highlights and calls for an end to ‘Gender Based Violence’. 

We live in a fallen world where violence against men, women and children is far too common. The campaign aims to “break the silence, lift the shame, and shift the blame.”

We all have a part to play.

We all have a responsibility to do our part in ending Gender Based Violence.

Back in 2017, Bishop Nicholas said:

“Church leaders can have an enormous influence for the good by speaking out for justice and dignity and against the disfigurement of our humanity that gender-based violence represents…”

How you can get play your part?

On Tuesday 30th November at 12 noon, members of the Mothers’ Union in the Diocese, together with representatives from the Salisbury Women’s Refuge will be coming together in the Cathedral for the annual Service to mark the national 16 Day Campaign.

The Revd Joanna Naish, Chaplain to Salisbury Diocese Mothers’ Union, will be presiding and Kathryn Anderson, the Mothers’ Union Provincial President for the Province Canterbury, will be giving the Address. 

The Mothers’ Union calls for an end to all forms of gender based violence and works with the church in the UK and across the world in places like Congo, Ethiopia and Zambia where the Church has tremendous influence, speaking against sexual slavery, female genital mutilation and so on.

Rosie Stiven, Diocesan President, Mothers’ Union, has asked for people to:

“Please support and join us in our work to end this evil.” 

Watch a video from Rosie here.

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