'Let Us Talk' says Bishop
The Bishop of Salisbury has issued a challenge to parishes across Dorset and Wiltshire. 'Let Us Talk' was launched at Diocesan Synod on Saturday 3 November 2012.
The Bishop is keen to hear about priorities for volunteer and project work in local areas, and is looking to develop a shared vision across the diocese that will inspire ministers and volunteers alike.
Resources to aid parish and school discussion will be produced, and the fruits of those discussions will be combined into a plan for the future.
Coming soon: a web page with full details, resources and questions to ask.
Benefices and Deaneries are invited to send their answers to these questions to the Diocesan Secretary or by email to letustalk@salisbury.anglican.org by end April 2013.
Further information
Contact Michael Ford, Communications Co-ordinator:
01722 438651, 07500836989, michael.ford@salisbury.anglican.org
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