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Lessons from the Young

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Mar, 2020 05:52 PM

Churches and schools around the Diocese are sharing the importance of caring for God's creation with their communities through a whole host of activities and events.

But at one Dorset church, it was the children who shared.

Guest of honour at the West Moors Lent Study Course, based on he themes of Ruth Valerio's book 'Saying Yes to Life', was the community's very own junior eco warrior Lola Smith.

Gillian Clarke, from St Mary's West Moors explains:

"At the first session we were really pleased to have a special visitor – Lola Smith, a pupil from St Mary’s First School.

"She spoke to us about some of the things she has been doing to show that she cares. Our very own Greta Thunberg!

"She has produced posters to encourage people to care for the environment, started a collection of crisp packets for recycling and raised a petition to persuade West Moors Parish Council to install a recycling bin at the playground.

Lessons from the Young- Lola's Earth Hour Poster
Lola's Earth Hour Poster

"An inspiration to us all, Lola set us off talking about the things we might do, individually and together, to make a difference!"

And in another Lent activity in West Moors it was the turn of the community to be the guests, as Year 4 pupils from St Mary's First School helped serve soup, bread and fruit at lunches raising money for Christian Aid.

Gillian added:

"Just as with last year, they were excellent ambassadors of their school and set a great example of how to serve efficiently, enthusiastically and joyfully.

"What a team!"

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